Thursday, May 28, 2009

If you take a boy to a creek...

...he will ask if he can stand on the edge while he eats his lunch.

Then he will decide to take his sandwich with him and wander into the water.

He may even have sooo much fun that he forgets to eat at all...but he will look so sweet & small that you let him have his space.

...and, if this boy is a country boy who has been transplanted into the city...he may even skip some rocks...just to see if his arm still works. It does. :-)

Look what I can do!

These little hands...

...and chubby toes....
...have found a brand new trick. I CAN CRAWL!
...and I am VERY pleased with myself!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

pardon the format...I copied this from an email in honor of Memorial Day weekend.

We must never forget who

gets the credit

for the freedoms we have, and we must always remember the sacrifices made

that allow us to REMAIN free.


watched the flag

pass by one day.

It fluttered in the


A young Marine

saluted it,

And then he stood at ease..

I looked


Him in uniform

So young, so tall, so proud,

With hair

Cut square

And eyes alert;

He'd stand out in any crowd.

I thought how many men

Like him

Had fallen through the years.

How many died on foreign soil?

How many mothers' tears?


many pilots' planes

Shot down?

How many died at sea

How many foxholes

were soldiers' graves?

No, freedom isn't free.

I heard the sound of taps

one night

When everything was still.

I listened to the bugler play

and felt a sudden chill.

I wondered just how

many times

That taps had meant "Amen"

When a flag had draped

The coffin of a

Brother or a Friend.

I thought of all the children,

The mothers and the wives.

of Fathers, Sons, and Husbands

with interrupted lives.


thought about a graveyard

at the bottom of the sea.

Of unmarked graves in



Freedom isn't free.


Your Freedom

& God Bless Our Troops!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My boys are growing up!

It seems that coming home after some time away has caused us to realize just how much our boys have grown up lately. There's something about seeing them doing new things in the old familiar environment that has brought me up short. I'm amazed at how much they are changing...especially baby K. He's scooting around here on his tummy now, and rolling around when that doesn't get him where he wants to go. It's only a matter of time until he crawls. We've noticed that he is responding to us in a new way, too. He has been smiling at us and cooing when we talked to him for awhile, but now he will do things to get our attention. He will make a silly face or stick out his tongue at us and crack up when we laugh. He'll pat me on the shoulder when I hug him, and dive at us with mouth wide open when we kiss his chubby cheeks. It's really alot of fun to interact with him at this stage! I wonder if that is why my house looks like it does?? The older 2 boys are developing as well, if not at such a rapid pace. Bradyn is catching on to reading all of the sudden and reads me every sign we pass, and every sentence on every box. He's getting most of the words correct, too. He always wants to know what the date is, and is constantly figuring out the time on his new watch. Hunter is a great helper. He's always willing to do a job for me, and runs back to ask what's next. He is learning to recognize the letter sounds, and likes to ask me how to spell words. They are all growing out of their clothes as quickly as I can empty the old ones out of their drawers. Our favorite form of entertainment is just watching the three children interact with each other. B & H are great at playing little games and spinning silly stories for their little brother, and you can see how much he loves them in return from his toothy(2 teeth, that is!) little grin. It is truly amazing to see our little babies growing into little individuals!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We're home!

We did go to Disney, had a very busy, very fun time, and we are back home...more pics to follow!! For now, I need to unpack the many suitcases and do LOTS of laundry!

Friday, May 1, 2009

I think we're going to Disney

Yes, that's right. I "THINK" we are going to Disney. We have had a Disney trip planned and paid for since January. We are scheduled to leave today and meet my parents at the resort on Sunday. Sounds great, right...a week of fun in the sunshine? WELL....I hope so. I'm actually worrying about this Swine Flu pandemic and wondering if we are really going to go. If there is word of an outbreak near or at Disney, you can be sure we will be turning our Odyssey around and heading back to our house. So, if you don't hear from me for a week, you know we are enjoying our vacation...and sanitizing our hands every 15 minutes...I'll be the one with the Lysol can in the cup holder of my stroller.