Thursday, February 14, 2008

House full of Sick kiddos!

So, this not so wonderful Thursday finds us at home and for the most part, in bed. Our 2 sweet little ones have been sick since Tuesday with stomach bugs and all that goes with that. Hunter caught it first, then me, then Bradyn last night. Ken seems to have escaped without more than a tummy ache...I guess he owes that to the iron stomach that comes from eating ALL of the leftovers that he can dig out of the 'fridge, no matter how old they are. :-P I do wonder sometimes if that doesn't help him, because he seems impervious to stomach flus that the rest of us catch! Anywhozit, we had to miss bible study last night, and the valentine's party that our homeschool group had planned for today. That translates into some pretty bummed kids, but they got a happy surprise just before nap time...Sue showed up with a bag full of valentines for each boy! She had gone to school and collected them when the kids passed them out (for McKenna & Leyton, too, who are also sick). That was extremely thoughtful, and made their day as they dumped the bags and took stock of cards and candy. "Look who loves me, momma!" They went to sleep with grins instead of tears, and this momma appreciates that immensely! So, I am going to go try to bake a cake for Ken for V-Day. Have a good afternooooon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have bugs again. No fun.

LaRon never gets sick either... wonder if it's for the same reason because he does that, too. I'll be ready to throw something out and he'll save it and take it to work. Maybe they are on to something!

Get well soon, guys!