My sweet little baby is no longer a newborn, but a cuddly bundle who can coo, smile, and reach for his toys. He's still not very good at eye hand coordination, but he usually succeeds in getting a hold of whatever it is he is grabbing at. He loves his big brothers, and they are both able to bring a gummy grin to his face by babbling silly baby talk at him. Of course, it melts our hearts to see him give one of what we call his "whole body smiles". He lights up- his mouth opens wide in a grin, his eyes crinkle up (alot like Ken's!), he waves his little fists furiously and his legs get going like a little windmill . I had forgotten some of these little milestones in a tiny baby's development, and it's amazing all over again. We can't help but wonder who he will be as he continues to grow and change. I'm just beginning to see his little personality emerge. As distinctly different as his two older brothers are, I know he will be an individual as well. Anyways, I am enjoying the "ride".