Kendan Ross Lehman was born on Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008 at 6:20 am. He weighed in at 7 lb 12 oz and is 20 inches long. He has a ton of soft black hair, with a blond patch on the right front side. He was 2 weeks and 1 day past my latest due date, so we were extra glad to see him make his appearance!
Labor was interesting...my midwife broke my water on Wednesday and thought we should have a baby within hours. Baby thought otherwise and decided to stay in my belly for a few more days...with only a few random contractions for those days. Since the norm for delivery after breaking the water is 24 hours, we started some cohosh(herbs) on Thursday night to see if we could get things moving. That didn't do too much either, but I did finally start having contractions Friday evening at dinner time. They were 10 minutes apart, 5 minutes apart, then slowed to 30 min and then an hour...so we thought it was a false alarm and went to bed around 2 am. I got up at 4:45 am and was shocked to have really strong contractions only 1 minute apart. It felt like it was time to have this baby, and the midwife wasn't even on her way yet! So, Ken called her and she got to our house around 5:15. I went ahead and got in the jacuzzi tub and labored there (the BEST pain relief ever) for the rest of the time. At 6:20 am Kendan Ross was waterbirthed into his mama's waiting arms! It was wonderful to have our baby come into the world at home, surrounded by the people who love him the most. Bradyn and my mom came upstairs to see him as soon as he was born, and Bradyn was a bit overwhelmed and went back to sleep. Hunter didn't want to wake up at all. Both boys have since decided that he is pretty cool after all and like to pat his head and tell me "the baby needs you" if he utters even a tiny peep. We are adjusting, and trying to get on a sleep routine...and loving every minute of having a tiny baby around the house again! We are all very much in love!
1 comment:
Neat to hear a bit more about Baby Kendan and his family! Congrats again!
When Melissa told me she was having OJ in the jacuzzi tub thing, I was excited- cause I'd always had questions about that but it's sort of awkward to ask just anyone. She said much the same thing you did. It's a pretty neat thing, actually!
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