Thursday, February 19, 2009


What follows is a conversation that took place at our house this evening. We had just finished playing a board game.
Ken: "It's time for bed, so let's put this game away."
Bradyn: "I don't want to quit yet."
Hunter: "Me too!"
Me: "We should really get you guys to bed now...what did you want to do?"
Bradyn runs into the bookcase and comes back..."How about Woponoly?!"
Parents: "What?"
Bradyn: "WOPONOLY!"
Parents: "What???"
Bradyn: "Well, I don't know for sure, but I think it says Woponoly!"
Me: " want to play MONOPOLY!?"
Bradyn: "Yea, that's the one!"
He had gone over to pick out a new game to play and thought that one looked like fun. :-)

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