Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Goodbye Mr. Frog!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Field Trip
One of the things that I like best about homeschooling our children is that we can take a field trip without a bus and without permission slips. We have taken a couple in the last week or two. One was to the IMAX theater downtown to watch a documentary about the oceans to conclude a unit on the subject. Friday we took a field trip to Conner Prairie and watched a sheep being shorn and visited some baby animals. It was a great way to teach the boys about the origins of fabric (or at least one type) and their clothing. We were able to follow the process through shearing, stretching of the wool,washing, carding, , dying, spinning, weaving and knitting. Of course, all of this in the style of the 1820's or thereabouts, since it took place at the museum. The boys then went up to a classroom and sat in a circle for some sheep themed stories and songs, a snack and a craft. Although we have chosen to homeschool, I do realize the importance of the kids being able to listen respectfully in a classroom setting, so this was a good opportunity to practice manners. They both behaved quite well, and it was a really nice day for us all.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Beautiful Weather!
We have finally had a day in which the temperature climbed almost all the way to 60 degrees! We have been hoping that would happen soon, and decided to take advantage of it by heading to the park for a bit. The kids have been sniffly the last few days...actually they have had sniffles for the better part of a week and a half now! I thought it would do them some good to get some fresh air, and talked them into sitting relatively still for these pics. Looking at them now, I am struck by how much they are growing. In the "every-dayness" of life, I must not have really looked at them lately. Look how tall Hunter is, and how grown up Bradyn is getting! ...and the baby...is sitting up all on his own and has a tooth already. I am at once happy and wistful...because these wonderful childhood days are speeding past and I know a day will come all too soon when I want to start them all over again. It is such a wonderful blessing to "raise" these little ones, and I am so thankful that I have them in my life. I am attempting to teach them, but I feel like I am the one learning sooo much! 
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hmm...photo tag...
I got tagged by Amy (*link to her blog at the side) ...so here's my part!
1. Choose the fourth folder where you store pictures on your computer.
2. Choose the fourth picture.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 other people.
My pic is not that exciting! It's a loaf of bread that I made. It's from a book called "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day". Basically, you make the bread, keep in the refrigerator, and break off a chunk, shape it, and cook it when you want fresh bread. This was one of the loaves I was experimenting on. It is a french boule with rosemary...and I may have already blogged it??
Next up-
Julie, Wrena, Mandy, and Dora :-)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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