I got tagged by Amy (*link to her blog at the side) ...so here's my part!
1. Choose the fourth folder where you store pictures on your computer.
2. Choose the fourth picture.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 other people.
My pic is not that exciting! It's a loaf of bread that I made. It's from a book called "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day". Basically, you make the bread, keep in the refrigerator, and break off a chunk, shape it, and cook it when you want fresh bread. This was one of the loaves I was experimenting on. It is a french boule with rosemary...and I may have already blogged it??
Next up-
Julie, Wrena, Mandy, and Dora :-)
Thanks for playing along, Megan. Your bread looks really wonderful. I've heard of that book somewhere before but have never seen it.
That bread looks very yummy!!! Hmmm...have to try that sometime!
The morning sun picture wasn't actually too hard...you just have to wait till the sun looks like that. :-) We had a foggy, misty morning and that really makes the sun rays stand out. I shot right into the sun, but I was standing on our deck and let the roof block the sun itself. I did a little editing in Photoshop Elements, making it not so bright around the sun and making the green a little greener. Good luck!
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